Wednesday 29 May 2013

2 Things That U Should Do!!



2 benda tu penting if u are belong others. always remind yourself that 2 benda tu klo xda for sure lah korg akn sentap habis-habisan. *sentaphatimaknak! pehlis ok...

Sometimes, dlm pd nk bergaul dgn org ni kita xboleh trima apa yg org tu ckp, buat, or etc. yerlah, hati serupa kapas, kena tegur sikit je dh nangis, nk sentap, tachim2 kn.. absolutely, itu mmang perangai akulah..hal yang aku rsa kutu lg besar pn dh boleh terasa hbis! balik bilik kutuk2 and then dh OK!

btw, klo yg aku tgk, muka yg xthu malu, muka tembok, yg dh kna marah, perli2, kutuk2 dpan2 tp still tnjuk muka, thats de postive things that budak tu ada. dia xserik! hati serupa bati bhai!. ko boleh buat ker?? paling kurang pn. msti ko lari balik bilik, jerit2 bwh bantal or ko balik ngamuk2 and then ko campak smua barang kt bwh katil kan! kesimpulan, ko trus xnk kwn or trus sorok muka ko. 546378293 hari ko xkuar bilik...ish...ish.. 

semalam aku bru blajar, jiwa msti kena besar, BIGGERs, than elephants. klo jiwa ko kcik dri kutu bla dh sentap hati kau hbis! bla ko dh xda ati, mcm mna nk hdup dn mula ko rsa stress and try to kill your self. so pehlisss lh OPEN YOUR HEART AND MIND! ok adios amigos_thanks madam for ur advice...iloike :D

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